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点击查收19RHS Chelsea概念图

浏览: 时间:2022-02-14
RHS Back to Nature Garden | Image Credit Davies White 景观协会成员将在2019年RHS Chelsea留下印记 Landscape Institute members set to make their mark at RHS Chelsea 2019 由专筑网王雪纯,曹逸希编译 英国皇家园艺协会(RHS)发表了有关2019年RHS切尔西花展的所有设计信息,与此同时,景观协会(LI)很高兴今年其成员可以参与到其中,并亲身实践了如何去解决当代景观存在的问题与挑战。 从我们如何可持续地管理资源,到我们的线上和线下生活之间的互联互通,大自然总是给我们的健康带来极大的益处,一些英国领先的景观设计师将在由M&G赞助的RHS切尔西花展上展示他们的作品并推广景观领域。 这些由景观设计师或园艺设计师设计的园林包括: RHS回归自然之园 著名的RHS回归自然之园由剑桥公爵夫人HRH、景观设计师AndréeDavies以及LI总裁Adam White共同设计。花园的灵感来自于与自然相处的童年记忆。设计的关键元素包括空心圆木,一个巢穴建筑区域,溪流和树屋,所有的这些都通过带有节奏和韵律的树木排列组合在一起。 The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) has revealed the designs for all gardens to feature at the 2019 RHS Chelsea Flower Show and the Landscape Institute (LI) is delighted that this year it features a number of LI members and registered practices tackling some of the main challenges of the day. From how we manage resources sustainably and the interconnectivity between our online and offline lives, to the incredible health benefits of nature, some of the UK’s leading landscape architects will be showcasing their work and promoting the landscape profession at RHS Chelsea Flower Show, sponsored by M&G Investments. Those gardens designed by landscape architects or garden designers who employ landscape architects include: RHS Back to Nature Garden The prestigious RHS Back to Nature Garden, is co-designed by HRH The Duchess of Cambridge and landscape architects Andrée Davies and Adam White, who is the President of the LI. The garden draws inspiration from childhood memories triggered by the natural world. Key elements of the design include a hollow log, a den building area, a stream and a tree house all woven together by playful planting and trees. RHS Back to Nature Garden | Image Credit Davies White 剑桥公爵夫人和Adam White/HRH The Duchess of Cambridge and Adam White 花园的目的是通过绿色空间来促进人的身心愉悦。RHS与英国NHS的合作关系是该项目的核心,在RHS切尔西花展谢幕之后,大部分种植会移植到NHS心理健康信托花园中,该园也由剑桥公爵夫人、AndréeDavies、Adam White共同设计。 The aim of the garden is to promote the physical and emotional well-being that access to green spaces and gardening provides. The RHS’s partnership with NHS England is at the heart of the project, and after RHS Chelsea, much of the planting will feature in an NHS Mental Health Trust garden also being designed by HRH The Duchess of Cambridge with Davies White Ltd. RHS Back to Nature Garden | Image Credit Davies White 为了继续吸引更多的人群,剑桥公爵夫人、Andrée和Adam将再次合作设计另外两个RHS花园,其中包括RHS切尔西花展和RHS回归自然之园的许多元素,RHS汉普顿宫花园节(2019年7月2日至7日)和萨里RHS Garden Wisley的永久儿童花园。 Facebook:银幕之外(设计师:Joe Perkins) 这是一个充满活力的石头水景花园,灵感来自我们的线上和线下生活之间的相互联系。 Continuing the collaboration and to engage even wider audiences, The Duchess of Cambridge and Andrée and Adam will be co-designing two further RHS Gardens, incorporating many of elements from the RHS Back to Nature garden at RHS Chelsea, at RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival (2-7 July 2019) and a permanent children’s’ garden at RHS Garden Wisley in Surrey. Facebook: Beyond The Screen (Designer: Joe Perkins) A dynamic garden of water and stone inspired by interconnectivity between our online and offline lives. Facebook: Beyond The Screen | Joe Perkins 怪咖之家(设计师:Alistair Bayford) 每个家庭都面临压力;这个花园代表着一个家庭在生活中面临日常压力和挑战的过程。 Family Monsters Garden (Designer: Alistair Bayford) Every family faces pressures; this garden represents the journey of a family facing these everyday pressures and challenges in their lives. 怪咖之家(设计师:Alistair Bayford)/Family Monsters Garden | Alistair Bayford 曼彻斯特花园(设计师:Exterior Architecture) 该花园展示了一个重塑后的城市,并表现了英国城市中的绿色空间潜力。 摩根士丹利花园(设计师兼承包商:Chris Beardshaw) 这个花园的灵感来自于英国人对美丽花园的热爱,设计师探索了如何传承富含植物的庭院的传统,同时更加灵活地管理资源。 The Manchester Garden (Designer: Exterior Architecture) The garden aims to showcase a city reinvented and inspire conversations about the potential of green space within UK cities. The Morgan Stanley Garden | Chris Beardshaw The Morgan Stanley Garden (Designer and contractor: Chris Beardshaw) A garden inspired by the UK’s love of beautiful gardens that explores how to continue the tradition of creating herbaceous-rich spaces, while managing resources more sensitively. 摩根士丹利花园(设计师兼承包商:Chris Beardshaw)/The Resilience Garden (Designer: Sarah Eberle) 弹性庭院(设计师:Sarah Eberle) 这个庭院旨在纪念林业委员会成立一百周年,回顾100年的林业发展,并指出未来森林面临的挑战。 The Resilience Garden | Sarah Eberle This garden celebrates the Forestry Commission’s centenary year, marking 100 years of forestry and looking ahead to the biggest challenges facing forests of the future. 弹性庭院(设计师:Sarah Eberle)/The Resilience Garden | Sarah Eberle M&G投资花园(Andy Sturgeon):花园的灵感来自于大自然的再生力量。林地景观将以幼树,蕨类植物和宝石般的花朵为特色,散置石材平台和巨大的烧焦木材雕塑。 该设计事务所拥有18名景观设计师,是一家注册公司。 M&G Investments Garden (Andy Sturgeon): The garden draws inspiration from nature’s power to regenerate. The woodland landscape will feature young trees, ferns and jewel-like flowers, interspersed with stone platforms and huge burnt timber sculptures. Andy employs 18 landscape architects and is a registered practice. M&G投资花园(Andy Sturgeon)/M&G Investments Garden | Andy Sturgeon 欢迎来到约克郡(Mark Gregory):此花园获得了2018年福斯优选奖,是从西约克郡的运河和水道中汲取的灵感。该设计事务所拥有3名景观设计师。 Welcome to Yorkshire (Mark Gregory): Winner of the 2018 People’s Choice Award, Mark has this year drawn inspiration from the canals and waterways in the West Yorkshire landscape. Mark employs 3 landscape architects. 欢迎来到约克郡(Mark Gregory)/Welcome to Yorkshire | Mark Gregory Thomas Hoblyn的迪拜Majlis花园(Dubai Majlis Garden):富含中东风情的灵感来自于干旱景观中的雕塑美。托马斯聘请的景观设计师中包括Daisy Parson CMLI。 The Dubai Majlis Garden by Thomas Hoblyn: A Middle-Eastern feel is inspired by the sculptural beauty found in arid landscapes. Thomas employs landscape architects including, Daisy Parson CMLI. 迪拜Majlis花园(Dubai Majlis Garden)/The Dubai Majlis Garden | Thomas Hoblyn “今年对于景观研究所来说是重要的一年,因为我们这个组织成立已有九十年,该组织实际上也是在一个世纪前的RHS切尔西花展上成立的,所以我们的成员来此实践是非常合适的,而我们的现任总统将在如此引人注目的园艺展中扮演着重要的角色。 “同样重要的是这些园林设计所表明的社会问题,就像RHS回归自然之园的突出地位说明了与大自然的接触能够显著改善我们的健康和福祉。作为支持和促进景观专业利益的组织,我们很高兴RHS与NHS英国的合作关系,而这个活动的核心是通过绿色空间提升人的身心愉悦感。更加关注儿童和更广泛的健康是改善人们生活的一个关键组成部分,以这种方式与社区合作是所有景观专业人士需要注意的关键。 Helen Tranter,景观协会副院长 ‘This is an important year for the Landscape Institute as we celebrate ninety years of the organisation, which was actually formed at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show almost a century ago, so it is fitting that the work of our members, practices and our current President will be featured so prominently in such a high profile horticultural show.’ – ‘What is also important are some of the issues these garden designs address and the prominence that the RHS Back to Nature Garden in particular, places on how contact with nature can significantly improve our health and wellbeing. As an organisation supporting and promoting the benefits of the landscape profession, we are particularly pleased that the RHS’s partnership with NHS England, promoting the physical and emotional well-being that access to green spaces and gardening provides, is at the heart of this initiative. The focus on children and on health more generally, is a key component in improving peoples’ lives and working with communities in this way is key for all landscape professionals.’ Helen Tranter, Vice-President of the Landscape Institute